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Jarden the previous owners of K2 + K2 Brands (Line, Full Tilt, Ride, BCA) and Marker Volkl Dalbello sold to Newell in late 2015.  Newell a pubicly traded company that specializes in brands that sell to the likes of Walmart, realized it was time to get rid of a division that can’t be sold to Walmart, Target or Costco – that division being Winter Sports.  In Fall of 2016 Newell’s CEO Michael Polk said

‘We are going to focus our energy against the big opportunities and we are going to minimize the distractions’

 Basically K2 and MDV aren’t profitable enough in comparison to Mr. Coffee, Crock Pot, Rubbermaid or Graco to name a few, that’s the distraction.  

Newell is selling K2, Marker, Volkl, Dalbello, Line, Full Tilt, Atlas, Tubbs, Ride and Madshus for about $240 Million to Kohlberg and Company.  In 2016 those brands accounted for roughly $330 Million in sales, a number that could have been higher if it wasn’t for a rough Winter in the North East in 2015/2016 – Yea, the East Coast has some skiers.

Based on everything we’ve heard, the ‘Bob’s’ over at Newell thought these brands were great, just not a good fit for them.

Office Space Bobs

Kohlberg and Company also owns Bauer Skates and they haven’t messed those up, so we’re optimistic about what the future holds for K2, MDV etc.  

It’s almost Memorial Day, make sure you got everything.

Memorial Day Checklist

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